Saturday, April 25, 2009

My little sea monkey's first concert!

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea that there is a baby growing inside of me... It seems so surreal! I mean, we had talked about it and all, but the reality of it is quite startling! It's a pretty big jump from wanting to be pregnant, and actually being pregnant. If you know what I mean... I just REALLY want to be a good mom!

On a lighter note, I went to the Britney concert last night! Judge me if you will, but it was a blast. Funny to think that I'll be able to tell my child someday that the first concert I went to while I was pregnant with them was Britney Spears; they'll either look at me and say "Who?" or they'll think I'm totally uncool. Either way, it was a good time. Next up on the concert run: No Doubt on May 23rd! I consider myself pretty musically diverse, so I'm sure any child of mine will be too!

What's the deal with this heartburn??

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