Thursday, April 30, 2009

Got my blood drawn AGAIN!

Went in to the doctor again today to get my blood drawn. Hopefully this time my levels are up high enough schedule another ultrasound! The nurse did say that based off of my first blood levels that it looks like I am very early in my pregnancy; which means that even though I did miss my period in March, I didn't get pregnant until April... Looks like I could have a New Year's-ish due date!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The difference between 4 weeks and 8 weeks... From the inside!

Just in case anyone was curious. I was!

My First Visit to the Doctor...

Today was my first doctor's appointment. Sounds exciting, right? Wrong. I was really only scheduled for an early ultrasound to see how far along I actually am, since my body is nuts.(If you haven't heard, my last period was on February 27th, but the pregnancy tests weren't showing positive results until last week. Which means I could be anywhere from 8 weeks to 4 weeks along.) But I didn't even get to find that out! They put the gel on my stomach, looked around for 5 minutes, couldn't find anything! So they sent me out to get my blood work done, and on my way home I went! I feel so frustrated. I know that I wouldn't have found out much anyway, but I at least wanted to find out (FOR SURE) how far along I am! I feel like there is a big difference between 4 weeks and 8 weeks. I know it's just me being a pain in the butt, but I can't help it. Sorry! I know I'll have to learn patience. Zen thinking...

Monday, April 27, 2009

A Lazy Weekend With Soon-To-Be-Auntie Chey!

My relaxing weekend with Cheyenne is coming to an end. :( I do take comfort in knowing that she is a great friend, and will most definitely come back to help out once the baby is born! That time seems so far away, but I know that once it comes, it'll feel like my pregnancy went really fast! (Or so I hope!)

There are so many things that I feel like I need to start researching now. Strollers, car seats, high chairs, etc. How do you know what the best ones are? I feel like I can only rely on the personal experience of people I know who actually have had kids recently... It's been too long since my mom had my little brother to be of much help with the current baby gear. So, Ali, as of right now, that means you have to help me! Actually, any thoughts that anyone wants to contribute would be greatly appreciated! Although that doesn't mean that I'll follow everyone's advice. But I'll absorb as much as I can!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

My little sea monkey's first concert!

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea that there is a baby growing inside of me... It seems so surreal! I mean, we had talked about it and all, but the reality of it is quite startling! It's a pretty big jump from wanting to be pregnant, and actually being pregnant. If you know what I mean... I just REALLY want to be a good mom!

On a lighter note, I went to the Britney concert last night! Judge me if you will, but it was a blast. Funny to think that I'll be able to tell my child someday that the first concert I went to while I was pregnant with them was Britney Spears; they'll either look at me and say "Who?" or they'll think I'm totally uncool. Either way, it was a good time. Next up on the concert run: No Doubt on May 23rd! I consider myself pretty musically diverse, so I'm sure any child of mine will be too!

What's the deal with this heartburn??

Thursday, April 23, 2009

So I just found out that I'm pregnant...

So here's a recap of how my day went yesterday: Got up early, ran some errands, decided to take a pregnancy test (just to see, as we started trying in February) got a super faint pink line on said pregnancy test, ran to CVS to buy a digital pregnancy test which came out positive, and promptly started hyperventilating. Okay, not really, but I was all by myself with the biggest news of my life, and I was absolutely speechless! Of course, I called Ian immediately and then was on the phone for the next hour or so calling every member of my family (and his too; I just couldn't keep it to myself!). By the end of the day, once my adrenaline rush had passed, exhaustion had struck HARD, and I woke up this morning wondering if yesterday had just been a dream. Alas, it was not a dream, so here I am trying to document this momentous time in my life! Stay tuned, because knowing me, there should be plenty of interesting stories to tell throughout this new adventure!