Sunday, May 24, 2009

I know, I know, it's been a while!

Okay, so I've been slacking on the blog front lately. I can't help it; I've been so tired and queasy! It's hard enough to be motivated to do the day to day things, much less go out of my way to think.

So I did find a new doctor! My friend Ali recommended Dr. Gulinson, and I went to see him on Wednesday. He's great! Much more personable than that last guy, and totally worth the extra 20 minutes it takes to get to his office! This is all I was asking for folks; a doctor that has a personality! It doesn't take much to make me happy, honestly. I'm sure I've come off super picky thus far.

I tried taking an anti-nausea medicine prescribed to me on Friday, and it was pretty much the worst day of my life! Instead of feeling less nauseous, I felt like I had a terrible stomach bug. Never again. I'd rather live with the mild nausea all day every day than feel like that again! And what's up with all the constipation (yep, I said it!), exhaustion, and heartburn? Not that I'm complaining (well, I guess I am, but whatev), I'm just used to being so healthy all the time, I feel like a totally different person! Listen up baby, you better be stinkin' cute... As if my baby could ever be anything but! :)

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