Monday, July 13, 2009

Baby blog blues...

This is getting ridiculous. I started this blog thinking that I would have so much to talk about, so many different things going on with me and my body being pregnant. Not that things aren't changing on the inside mind you, I do have a baby growing inside me, but it's been pretty uneventful so far! I've only been mildly nauseous, and that didn't even last that long. Heartburn isn't fun, but I don't have it nearly as bad as everyone else I know. I realize that the fact that I haven't had many ailments or complaints is a GOOD thing, but it doesn't make for much to write about in a blog about pregnancy when my life as of right now hasn't changed that much from day to day!

I went on Saturday for a 4D ultrasound to find out what the gender of my little peanut is... And as you may have guessed from the monotone nature of this post, the little sweetheart decided not to open it's legs! I'm going back later today to try again, so keep your fingers crossed...

I'll try harder to post more often, and I'm sure as I get further along, I'll have plenty more to talk about. Especially once my stomach starts to grow and I feel the baby move!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I know, I know, it's been a while!

Okay, so I've been slacking on the blog front lately. I can't help it; I've been so tired and queasy! It's hard enough to be motivated to do the day to day things, much less go out of my way to think.

So I did find a new doctor! My friend Ali recommended Dr. Gulinson, and I went to see him on Wednesday. He's great! Much more personable than that last guy, and totally worth the extra 20 minutes it takes to get to his office! This is all I was asking for folks; a doctor that has a personality! It doesn't take much to make me happy, honestly. I'm sure I've come off super picky thus far.

I tried taking an anti-nausea medicine prescribed to me on Friday, and it was pretty much the worst day of my life! Instead of feeling less nauseous, I felt like I had a terrible stomach bug. Never again. I'd rather live with the mild nausea all day every day than feel like that again! And what's up with all the constipation (yep, I said it!), exhaustion, and heartburn? Not that I'm complaining (well, I guess I am, but whatev), I'm just used to being so healthy all the time, I feel like a totally different person! Listen up baby, you better be stinkin' cute... As if my baby could ever be anything but! :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I DEFINITELY want a new doctor!

I have to know: Is it too much to ask for a doctor to look at a patients' file before you have your first appointment? I mean, I have been in that office about 5 times in the past couple of weeks for endless blood tests and ultrasounds that have shown nothing (as you all know!) and he doesn't even know how far along I am?! Seriously, he was going off of the assumption that I was 10 1/2 weeks along, even though I was just barely over 6 weeks. It's just so frustrating to know that this practice either has a serious communication breakdown, or that the specific doctor I met with is absolutely incompetent. I can't help but be incredibly picky, and I don't want to be a bitch. But this is my first pregnancy, and the doctor is such a key factor in all of this that I want someone that I feel really comfortable with to guide me through the process! So far, I really haven't had even one positive experience at this office, and that is not a good sign.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A LITTLE more info.

So I went in today for my first "official appointment" with the nurse. Got even more blood drawn (after 3 previous visits dedicated EXCLUSIVELY to getting this done!) and got my little bag of goodies. i.e. a massive pregnancy book, a million magazines about parenting and pregnancy, and a reusable bag that says "West Valley Women's Care" that I would never take outside my house! While I really like the staff at my doctor's office, I am beginning to feel like they are very evasive... I have a pretty good idea of my due date and all based on today's ultrasound (the tech estimated me at about 5 weeks, 6 days), but they have yet to confirm it. Is this because I haven't actually met with the doctor yet? Do they save that info for him to share? I just want to know what's going on; is that too much to ask?? I have my appointment with him on Monday, and I swear if they don't start giving me some answers, I'm going to start getting cranky. Fair warning.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Got my blood drawn AGAIN!

Went in to the doctor again today to get my blood drawn. Hopefully this time my levels are up high enough schedule another ultrasound! The nurse did say that based off of my first blood levels that it looks like I am very early in my pregnancy; which means that even though I did miss my period in March, I didn't get pregnant until April... Looks like I could have a New Year's-ish due date!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The difference between 4 weeks and 8 weeks... From the inside!

Just in case anyone was curious. I was!

My First Visit to the Doctor...

Today was my first doctor's appointment. Sounds exciting, right? Wrong. I was really only scheduled for an early ultrasound to see how far along I actually am, since my body is nuts.(If you haven't heard, my last period was on February 27th, but the pregnancy tests weren't showing positive results until last week. Which means I could be anywhere from 8 weeks to 4 weeks along.) But I didn't even get to find that out! They put the gel on my stomach, looked around for 5 minutes, couldn't find anything! So they sent me out to get my blood work done, and on my way home I went! I feel so frustrated. I know that I wouldn't have found out much anyway, but I at least wanted to find out (FOR SURE) how far along I am! I feel like there is a big difference between 4 weeks and 8 weeks. I know it's just me being a pain in the butt, but I can't help it. Sorry! I know I'll have to learn patience. Zen thinking...