Monday, July 13, 2009

Baby blog blues...

This is getting ridiculous. I started this blog thinking that I would have so much to talk about, so many different things going on with me and my body being pregnant. Not that things aren't changing on the inside mind you, I do have a baby growing inside me, but it's been pretty uneventful so far! I've only been mildly nauseous, and that didn't even last that long. Heartburn isn't fun, but I don't have it nearly as bad as everyone else I know. I realize that the fact that I haven't had many ailments or complaints is a GOOD thing, but it doesn't make for much to write about in a blog about pregnancy when my life as of right now hasn't changed that much from day to day!

I went on Saturday for a 4D ultrasound to find out what the gender of my little peanut is... And as you may have guessed from the monotone nature of this post, the little sweetheart decided not to open it's legs! I'm going back later today to try again, so keep your fingers crossed...

I'll try harder to post more often, and I'm sure as I get further along, I'll have plenty more to talk about. Especially once my stomach starts to grow and I feel the baby move!